Saturday, September 12, 2009

New Rendering

So, I did another rendering for this Martini Bar because we switched spaces so I had to do a redesign. This time I decided to do a model of the space, did the whole rendering and model in about 12 hours. It was kind of rushed but I think it looks pretty good.......

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

This is my Martini Bar that I've been working on.

I've been working on this martini bar for a while now and the space has changed so now the design will too. I did these renderings of the original space and wanted to share them. But, remember, if you steel my designs, you'll burn..... ; ) Hope you like them!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Home Sweet Home

So, here's a concept board I just finished for a house in San Diego. It's just a rough board to give a feel for the space. I did it just now in like 3 hours, so cut me some slack......